


Resource TypePosted On
How to format date bound to a datalist?Oct 12
Formatting dates in a BoundColumn (datagrid)Jun 25
Date Time FormattingApr 06
Date Format ChangeFeb 21
The amazing and convoluted date formatsFeb 28
Date Format ExcelNov 08
Date and time display custom format ?Jan 18
International Date(formatting)Dec 22
Format dateDec 27
Formatted date to String?Aug 15
Is this cell formatted as a date?Feb 10
Problem with date formats and searchingAug 27
Nesting a repeater in a datalistFeb 09
Dynamically creating a headertemplate in a datalistMar 10
How to refer to the selected item of a dropdownlist from a datalistJul 02
converter of Gregorian date to jalali dateNov 16
Early BInding & Late BIndingMay 16
Replace date with a different format in same cell?Feb 18
US/UK Date conflictMar 01
Counting weekends between dates - in Excel VBOct 07
Find a date over & overDec 15
date of modificationOct 27
Checking the input date value in inputboxSep 19
Earnings Dates into ExcelFeb 06
biweekly to monthly date conversionsDec 31
Converting datesOct 10
Excel 2000: Modifying the date with DTPicker does not fire AfterUpdNov 13
Specific cell date value to trigger msg boxMar 03
how to get present date month and yearDec 14
2003 - Problem with datesFeb 02
Date Ranges in Pivot TableAug 15
Date range in pivot tableAug 14
Code for date rangesJan 27
retrieving file with variable (date) nameOct 30
dates in excel sheetJan 13
Obtaining the date modified property of a file from within Excel VBAOct 31
Date range in pivot tableAug 25
Code for date rangesNov 14
Using the date as part of the file nameDec 27
using todays date as file nameOct 21
Insert missing date/merge two spreadsheetsAug 28
Obtaining the date modified property of a file from within Excel VBAOct 05
date formarFeb 16
spring + ejb3 not bound strange issueMay 17
Subtraction of Date/Time ValuesNov 12
Code for Pivot table date changeNov 25
Date and TimeJan 02
User Form Date ValidationMar 01
Search for date in columnMar 02
Problem Displaying DatesFeb 26